IFM Special Site

About IFM

Value that we provide

While the market competition becomes tougher, more global corporations are allocating its management resources into the core business and there are more cases that they prefer to outsource the indirect operations, such as administrative operation of facility, in regards to their facility and its surrounding environment to highly specialized corporations. This sort of business management system with an aim to optimize the facility-related operation has been recognized as “Facility Management=FM” from the early stage and it has become an essential element to develop the competitiveness of the organization. With such background, AEON delight has been putting its effort to expand IFM (Integrated Facility Management) as a service to provide integrated management operation in regards to outsourcing needs related to facilities.
Along with the globalization of the business and the expansion of the size of the organization, the scale and amount of the owned facility of the organization will increase. Such facilities are often spread out in various locations in the world and each facility carries its unique management condition and challenges. For that, the cost of management operation could be enormous. While efficiency of management assets is in great need and at the same time while various performance indicators such as ROA and ROIC is at the center of the focus, IFM indeed is the key to support the corporate management strategy and also to improve the competitiveness. By integrally managing and operating the facilities owned by the organization, we aim to bring positive results in terms of cost optimization, rationalization and efficiency improvement of management and other effect.

The background where IFM is in great need Fundamental value of IFM

Service Contents

Our operation in regards to facilities varies such as facility management, cleaning, security, real estate lease, catering, budget management for these operations, labor safety measures and BCP (Business Continuity Planning). In reality, in many corporations, each operation department such as General Affairs, IT, Welfare and Finance are in charge of such operations and they aim to manage and operate from each individual optimum viewpoint.
AEON delight’s IFM integrally manage and operate all the operations and personnel resources in regards to the facility in position of the customer, and it improves the cost efficiency of the whole facility and rationalize the operation. AEON delight has been providing customer intent service as a facility partner to many corporations. By utilizing our wisdom and experience that we have cultivated so far, we strive to provide IFM that corresponds to various needs.

Service Contents Service Contents

Service area

We provide global-level management service by utilizing the alliance with major corporations from each country. Moreover, AEON delight’s notable characteristic is to be able to provide service that corresponds to the culture and the background of each country since we own local corporation not only in Japan but also in China and ASEAN countries. For instance, since we started to run our business in China in 2007 and in Malaysia and Vietnam in 2012, we have been expanding our service in these locations through joint venture with local subsidiaries and local companies. We have polished our service along with the background of each country’s commercial culture and regulations from our customer’s viewpoint and as a result our service has been receiving high evaluation from both global and local corporations.

Model Case

Let' s make global corporation’s management and business much smarter and more delightful.

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