Occupational Safety and Health

Basic Approach

For the AEON delight Group, safety and security is a fundamental concept that ties into our management principle. In addition to providing safety and security to customer facilities, we aim to create a working environment that meets health and safety standards for all affiliates, including our employees and our partner companies.
My Promise, which defines the basic attitude of our employees, states that “I will give safety top priority and strive to prevent any accidents”. In addition, we recognize the risk of accidents on the job in “appropriate labor management” as part of our Materiality. Based on our basic policy on occupational safety and health, we strive to promote occupational safety and health in accordance with labor-related laws and regulations.

Basic Policy on Occupational Safety and Health

With respect for people as the basic philosophy, we strive to prevent occupational accidents and maintain the health of all employees by adhering to safety and health standards and promoting safe and healthy activities tailored to the actual conditions in the workplace.

Occupational Safety and Health System

In accordance with the Safety and Health Management Regulations and the Safety and Health Committee Regulations, we determine policies and targets for safety and health activities, identify issues, and take actions for improvement.

In accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act, we set up a Safety and Health Committee at workplaces with 50 or more employees, and also held Workplace Safety and Health Meetings as an activity in line with the Safety and Health Committee at workplaces with less than 50 employees, which is not required by law. In addition, the labor-management convenes the Central Safety and Health Committee as a mechanism to oversee the entire company.
The Central Safety and Health Committee has the executive officer in charge of human resources as the manager responsible for safety and health, and the safety and health managers of relevant business segments and Group companies attend the committee meetings.

Central Safety and Health Committee

The Central Safety and Health Committee formulates a safety and health management activity plan every year with basic policies, priority initiatives, and monthly priority safety and health activities, and strives to improve safety and health by following the PDCA cycle. Each workplace holds a monthly Safety and Health Committee meeting based on the annual plan, and each regional office and the Central Safety and Health Committee monitor the activities to ensure continuous improvement.
In addition, to prevent recurrence, we analyze the causes of past occupational accidents, formulate countermeasures, and, if necessary, make rules for horizontal deployment.

FY 2019 2020 2021 2022
Occupational accident frequency rate 1.77 2.50 3.80 2.71

Safety and Health Education

In addition to special safety training for handling electricity at the time of joining the company, we provide special training based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act and in-house training for employees who perform hazardous work in the field of construction work and facility management. The Clean Crew Delight Handbook, which all cleaning personnel, including those from partner companies, carry at all times, also contains points to keep in mind to prevent accidents from occurring during work, and we regularly review the handbook together.

Furthermore, the AD Solution Center collects and shares information on incidents and accidents through the Incident and Accident System, analyzes and identifies the causes, and raises awareness to prevent recurrence. Information on all incidents and accidents, including occupational accidents at contracted properties, is collected at all times and shared with the Quality Control Division, which issues reminders to each site as needed. In an effort to prevent recurrence, the results of these analyses are shared and disseminated to all workplaces in the AD Solution Center Newsletter published once a month, as well as in a collection of accident response case studies that summarize points to keep in mind to prevent accident recurrence during operations.

Simulation training using VR

We began incorporating virtual reality (VR) tools into our safety and health training from September 2022, with the aim of improving hazard sensitivity and acquiring proper work procedures through simulated accident experiences. The VR content is designed to boost effective learning, highlighting the following three incidents that can lead to serious accidents in facility management operations and quizzing participants on important points.

  1. Arc flash injuries caused by electrical equipment
  2. Falling down from a stepladder
  3. Falling into or over a manhole

The VR tool is permanently available at our training facility AEON delight Academy Nagahama, and a total of 539 people, mainly Chief Electricity Engineers, went through the VR training program in FY2022. In FY2023, we plan to expand the scope of the program to include new hires in facilities management, cleaning, and support services, and provide training to approximately 1,300 employees. In addition to facility management, we also plan to develop VR content related to other operations such as security and cleaning management going forward.

Picture of employee wearing VR goggles

VR screen (example)

Designed to enable employees to learn important points of business procedures through a quiz