Safety and Security
In keeping with our founding vision, we have strived to provide services that
help to strengthen our customers’ disaster prevention and mitigation
systems in ordinary times, while also assisting with crisis management in
emergencies so as to minimize the damage caused by disasters.
As frequent natural disasters raise concerns about business continuity within
companies, we constantly adopt new technologies to provide higher levels of
safety and security, as we strive to continue fulfilling our founding mission.
Labor Shortage
In the new area management facility management model that we are promoting,
remote support by CSC* eliminates the need for resident facility managers. We
are moving away from the previous resident-based individual facility
management to an area-based multiple facility management model centered on
patrolling. At the same time, we continue to build and update the AEON delight
Platform as a conduit for collecting and accumulating data from inside and
outside facilities, processing it into valuable information that contributes
to solving customer issues, and sharing it throughout our service network,
including group companies and partner companies.
* CSC: Customer Support Center
The AEON delight Group provides a variety of services that help combat global
warming, including installing energy-saving equipment, conducting
energy-saving operations for various types of facilities, and providing freon
management services in accordance with the Freon Emission Control Law. We will
continue to provide support for customer decarbonization efforts through these
services and help create a decarbonized society in cooperation with local