*Data not described as "consolidated" are non-consolidated.
*All figures are rounded down to the nearest digit. Averages and percentages are rounded off.


Item Breakdown Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022

Greenhouse gas emissions
Scope1:Direct emissions from fuel use t-CO2 - - 845 844
Scope2:Indirect emissions from electricity use t-CO2 - - 617 -
Amount of solar power generation *1 1,000 kWh 7,600 7,717 7,912 -

Reduction in power consumption of installed energy saving equipment *2
Lighting equipment 1,000 kWh 24,691 33,404 26,165 47,646
Air conditioning equipment 1,000 kWh 17,737 20,168 24,266 29,897
Refrigerated case 1,000 kWh 1,645 1,615 1,794 4,849
Total number of LED lighting installed *3 unit 6,797 7,811 9,028 10,365
Total number of EV chargers installed unit 448 524 554 562
Ratio of biomass raw material to plastic materials sold (total weight ratio) % 9.2 21.0 23.6 23.9
Number of FSC certified products for paper materials sold type 115 172 170 1,273
Industrial waste emissions t 15,943 19,774 18,809 18,449
Supplied water usage m3 - - - 3,409

Number of qualified employees
Qualified person form energy management (heat/electricity) person 191 189 201 213
Fluorocarbon refrigerant engineer (Type 1) person 554 462 531 598
Eco-tuning engineer person 162 164 160 158
  1. *1 According to the holding ratio of equity-method affiliates Kikugawa-Ishiyama Solar Co., Ltd. and Kikugawa-Horinouchiya Solar Co., Ltd.
  2. *2 Estimated reduction in annual power consumption of calculable equipment
  3. *3 Number of calculable installation work since FY2010


Item Breakdown Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Consolidated total number of employees person 22,062 20,117 20,200 21,719
Consolidated average number of temporary employees person 7,459 7,191 7,556 7,440
Number of employees   person 4,074 4,118 4,174 4,231
Male person 3,693 3,691 3,707 3,722
Female person 381 427 467 509
Female ratio % 9.4 10.4 11.2 12.0
Average number of temporary employees   person 2,847 2,915 2,862 2,838
Male person 1,087 1,203 1,202 1,220
Female person 1,760 1,712 1,660 1,618
Female ratio % 61.8 58.7 58.0 57.0
Number of managers   person 607 662 609 675
Male person 600 647 593 661
Female person 7 15 16 14
Female ratio % 1.2 2.3 2.6 2.1
Number of newly hired personnel   person 391 427 519 493
Male person 319 367 435 400
Female person 72 60 84 93
Female ratio % 18.4 14.1 16.2 18.9
Average age of employees   years old 45.4 46.1 45.9 46.1
Male years old 45.3 46.6 46.5 46.8
Female years old 40.3 41.5 40.6 40.6
Average length of service   year 10.0 11.8 11.5 11.5
Male year 10.1 12.2 12.0 12.0
Female year 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.3
Average annual salary thousand yen 4,701 4,932 4,964 4,939
Number of full-time employee turnover   % 5.1 3.9 4.3 5.5
Male % 4.8 4.0 4.2 5.4
Female % 9.0 2.5 5.4 6.3
Annual paid leave acquisition rate % 64.7 63.5 64.9 74.3
Average overtime hours per month hour 10.2 11.5 11.9 13.1
Paternal leave acquisition rate 6.4 3.1 7.2 13.0
Average day - - - 116.2
Maternal leave acquisition rate % 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.2
Childcare leave reinstatement rate % 84.4 96.8 100.0 100.0
Number of people who acquired nursing care leave person 1 3 6 4
Gender wage gap - - - 57.1
Regular workers (full-time employees) % - - - 81.2
Non-regular workers (contract, temporary, part-time) % - - - 68.3
Contract and temporary employees % - - - 81.8
Part-time employees % - - - 75.6
Employment rate of persons with disabilities % 2.25 2.12 2.13 2.42
Occupational accident frequency rate   1.77 2.50 3.80 2.71
Number of qualified employees *4 person 18,433 19,257 20,153 20,351
Building environment and sanitation management technician person 1,309 1,334 1,363 1,365
Licensed electrical engineer (Type 1/2/3) person 923 919 949 983
Number of in-house training (technical/management seminars) Number of training conducted time 237 200 425 346
Total number of participants person 10,025 4,865 11,840 14,953
Total number of electronic operation manuals in use file 1,479 2,334 2,872 3,704
  • *4 Total number of those who have acquired any of the qualifications under license management
  • *The employee category includes full time, contract and temporary employees when not written anything


Item Breakdown Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of Directors person 6 6 8 8
Male person 6 6 7 7
Female person 0 0 1 1
Number of outside directors person 3 3 4 4
Number of Independent Directors among Outside Directors person 3 3 4 4
Number of Corporate Auditors person 4 4 4 4
Male person 4 4 4 3
Female person 0 0 0 1
Number of Outside Corporate Auditors person 2 2 2 3
Number of Independent Officers among Corporate Auditors person 1 1 1 2
Total compensation of Directors excluding Outside Directors million yen 8 78 67 79
Basic compensation million yen 77 39 42 50
Stock options million yen -43 24 15 12
Bonus million yen -25 13 9 16
Number of members eligible for compensation person 8 4 5 4
Total compensation for Corporate Auditors excluding Outside Corporate Auditors million yen 0 0 1 2
Basic compensation million yen 0 0 1 2
Number of members eligible for compensation person 2 3 2 1
Total compensation for Outside Officers million yen 45 46 54 61
Basic compensation million yen 45 46 54 61
Number of members eligible for compensation person 5 6 7 7
Number of code of conduct training participants person 8,699 9,108 9,376 9,462
Number of internal reporting cases case 182 202 160 214