Environmental Management

Environmental policy

To achieve our management principles, we are committed to working on the following through our facility management business.
AEON delight Environmental Policy
Our business objective is to provide optimal solutions for customer facilities, while working to ensure that our services and products are sustainable and contribute to both the enrichment of people's lives and the preservation of the global environment.
In promoting our efforts, we will operate an environmental management system that will be reviewed regularly and continuously improved to enhance our environmental performance.

  1. We will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all of our business activities and in customer facility environments in order to create a decarbonized society.
  2. We will promote conservation activities based on an understanding of the impacts and benefits of our business activities on the ecosystem.
  3. We will work to promote resource recycling to ensure sustainable resource use.
  4. We will comply with all laws and regulations related to environmental matters and strive to prevent pollution. In addition, we will disseminate this policy to our employees and all those who support our business activities, and make it widely available to the public.
  5. We will work with our customers, partners, and many others to expand the circle of our efforts in each local community.

Promotion system

We have established an environmental management system compliant with the international standard ISO 14001, and promote company-wide environmental conservation activities under the supervision of a general system manager.

Environmental Management System

ISO 14001:2015・JIS Q 14001:2015certification status

Registered Office Registration Date Certification Body Registration Number
AEON DELIGHT CO., LTD. 2003/07/11 Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO) EC09J0013
Scope of registration Provision of facility management services (facility management, security, cleaning, construction management, material procurement, support for vending machine installation, and customer support services)

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations

Under the framework of our environmental management system, we are committed to complying with environmental laws and regulations. We conduct an annual environmental laws and regulations compliance assessment, and implement corrective actions when we find any violations.

We conduct internal audits on a regular basis to confirm that our environmental management system conforms to ISO 14001 requirements and is effectively implemented in accordance with our environmental targets. In addition, based on the results, we identify issues, take corrective actions, and review our environmental management system to ensure continuous improvement. As a result of an external audit, we maintained our ISO 14001 certification in FY2021.

Environmental laws and regulations

Act on Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings (Building Management Act)
Air Pollution Control Act
Act on Rationalizing Energy Use, Act on the Promotion of Use of Non-Fossil Energy Sources and Effective Use of Fossil Energy Materials by Energy Suppliers
Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures Water Supply Act
Water Pollution Prevention Act
Act on Special Measures concerning Conservation of Lake Water Quality
Act on Special Measures concerning Conservation of the Environment of the Seto Inland Sea
Purification Tank Act
Sewerage Act
Fire Service Act
Act on the Protection of the Ozone Layer Through the Control of Specified Substances, etc. and Other Measures (Ozone Layer Protection Act)
Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons (Freon Emission Control Act)
Act on Promotion of Recycling of Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Home Appliance Recycling Act)
Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act (Waste Management Act)
Construction Material Recycling Act (Construction Recycling Act)
Act on Promotion of Resource Recycling Related to Plastics
Act on the Regulation of Extraction of Groundwater for Use in Buildings (Building Water Act)
Noise Regulation Act
Vibration Regulation Act
Electricity Business Act
Act on Special Measures concerning Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Wastes (PCB Special Measures Act)

Environmental targets

Environmental targets for the headquarters, regional offices, and branch offices

  1. 1% reduction in electricity consumption compared to 2022
  2. Initiatives toward our 2030 Targets (Environment)

Environmental targets for areas

  1. Prepare for emergencies
  2. Reduction of electricity consumption

Environmental targets for sites

  1. Prepare for emergencies
  2. Contribute to promoting efficient resource use
  3. Appropriately manage waste
  4. Reduction of electricity consumption

Key initiatives

Started disclosing GHG emission information

2022 GHG emission (non-consolidated)

(direct emissions from fuel use)


(indirect emissions from electricity use)


We believe the impact of climate change to be a significant risk. Accordingly, we expressed our support for the TCFD (Task Force on Cl imate-related Financial Disclosure) recommendations in FY2022, and began disclosing information on our GHG emissions. Going forward, we wi ll continue to extensively analyze the risks and opportunities that climate change poses to our business, reflect them in our management strategies, and proactively disclose information. In addition, by further promoting climate change initiatives such as preparing for disasters and making facilities more energy efficient, we will improve disaster resilience and reduce GHG emissions for our customers as well as our Group, and help achieve the AEON Group's AEON Decarbonization Vision.

Promoting proper waste disposal

From FY2022, we also began disclosing our industrial waste emissions. We properly manage waste while complying with various laws and regulations, such as the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act and the Construction Recycling Act, and conduct legal compliance assessments under the ISO 14001 framework.

Industrial waste emissions (non-consolidated)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 
12,328t 16,528t 15,942t 19,774t 18,808t  18,449t

2022 Breakdown of industrial waste