Labour Practices

Grade system and evaluation system

As a framework for grading employees, we have introduced a Career Grade Certification System that treats and trains employees according to their individual abilities, regardless of their academic background, age, gender, or nationality. There are seven career grades, with corresponding positions from division manager and regional office manager to chief at each level. We maintain fairness by determining appointees through a Career Grade Appointment Exam, which consists of a personnel evaluation, a written test, and an interview.

In addition, from March 2023, we introduced a Specialist System for employees holding electrical, construction, and other high-level certifications to perform duties based on their specialized knowledge and skills. With a multilayered career path that enables employees to move back and forth between the Career Grade Certification System and the Specialist System, we aim to secure professional human resources while helping employees achieve their desired career paths and lifestyles.

The evaluation system is also based on the job system, and personnel evaluations are conducted with the aim of ensuring fair treatment, demonstrating abilities, and building careers. Personnel evaluations are conducted from two angles: a competence evaluation based on expertise, ability, and subordinate development, and an achievement evaluation based on performance, policy matters, and progress against self-set targets. To enhance buy-in, employees set their own targets semiannually, and their progress is monitored through mid-year interviews, with feedback provided on progress.

Improvement of work environment

Reforming our organizational culture.

We believe that organizational culture reform is essential to achieving the AEON delight Vision 2025 and maximizing enterprise value through this vision. Based on the understanding that a good organizational culture serves as a powerful driver for implementing measures to achieve these objectives and promote corporate reform, we began taking action in FY2021 with the newly established Corporate Culture Reform Committee.

In addition to our annual Morale Survey (employee awareness survey), we conducted an Organizational Culture Survey in October 2021. Of the employees of the AEON delight Group’s eight domestic companies, the survey was sent to 6,215 employees who were able to complete the survey online, and 4,896 employees responded (response rate: 78.8%). In the questions, we surveyed the current state of the company as perceived by employees from the perspective of the Delight Way, challenges, and creation, in addition to job fulfillment at the company and on an individual level.

Going forward, based on the survey results, we will proceed with further interviews and other measures to identify the true issues, while revising the personnel evaluation, commendation, internal certification, and compensation systems, and promoting the Delight Way through employee training.

Initiatives to prevent long working hours

Based on the Declaration to Eliminate Unpaid Overtime and Long Working Hours, which was jointly signed by labor and management in 2020, AEON delight has been thoroughly managing overtime and rest day work with the aim of maintaining and improving a delightful work environment. In addition to checking the progress of overtime hours worked during the month in each department and examining ways to reduce them, we conduct company-wide surveys of unpaid overtime on a regular basis. Furthermore, we are also reassessing work styles by introducing flexible working hours, remote work, and online conferencing.

Achieving diverse workstyles with flexible work

We employ a monthly flexible working hour system, which enables us to flexibly adjust working hours according to the volume of work, thereby curbing overtime and preventing long working hours.

Furthermore, we took the COVID-19 prevention measures as an opportunity to introduce a remote work system in FY2021. We are also working to diversify work locations, with all employees, seconded personnel, and temporary employees approved by the company having the option of working from home, a leased satellite office, or a mobile office, in addition to taking the conventional route of commuting to the office.

In addition, the new headquarters office in Kanda, Tokyo, which began operations in September 2021, was renovated by our own interior design and engineering department based on the concept of Active Work Design. We aim to create an office environment where each employee can design their own work style and maximize their abilities. We can implement optimal work practices according to the nature and purpose of the work, such as by providing a communication environment for smooth communication with other offices, adjusting lights to match circadian rhythms, and reserving seats and meeting rooms via office apps.

Systems for diverse work styles

We have introduced a variety of systems that surpass legal standards to enable employees to continue working in diverse work styles, including while providing childcare and nursing care.

Examples of systems

Work area certification system The work area certification program is designed to help employees with nursing care, childcare, or other responsibilities balance work and family life by limiting the geographic area of their work. All employees can choose from three categories: global employee, area employee, and home employee. Area employees can choose from eight work location blocks.
Childcare and nursing care leave system Available for both males and females. Childcare leave can be taken for up to three years(available to use up to two separate times), and family care leave can be taken for a cumulative total of one year. Moreover, male employees are allowed to take paternity leave up to 4 weeks(available to use up to two separate times) within 8 weeks since the birth.
Childcare and nursing care shortened working hours system Under the childcare and nursing care shortened working hours system, employees can shorten their working hours by 1, 2, or 3 hours a day during pregnancy, or when undertaking childcare or nursing care responsibilities. For childcare, employees can use the system until their child reaches the sixth grade in elementary school, or for a maximum of three years for nursing care.
Nursing care leave Under the nursing care leave system, employees can take up to 10 days per year to care for a child up to the sixth grade who is injured or ill, or to care for a person in need of nursing care.
Annual hourly paid leave system A maximum of five days may be taken in one hour increments over the course of a year.

Sound labor-management relations

The AEON delight Group respects the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining as the rights of its employees. We have a collective agreement with the Aeon Delight Workers’ Union and maintain a sound labor-management relationship.

AEON delight and the Aeon Delight Workers’ Union hold regular labor-management discussions on maintaining and improving working conditions and the business environment with the aim of establishing stable labor-management relations and fair labor-management practices for the company to thrive and employee working conditions to improve.

In addition, the AEON delight Group has labor unions at a total of six companies (as of February, 2025), including AEON DELIGHT ACADEMY CO., LTD., AEON DELIGHT SECURITY CO., LTD., AEON COMPASS CO., LTD., AEON DELIGHT CONNECT CO., LTD., and Hakuseisha CO., LTD.