The AEON delight Group promotes ESG management, which helps solve social
issues through our business and enhances our enterprise value. In 2021, we
identified 12 Materiality issues in five domains, including ensuring safety
and security, resolving labor shortages, and addressing the environment as we
set forth in our Management Principles and the AEON delight Vision 2025, as
well as using technology and enhancing governance, which we believe are
necessary to achieve sustainable growth.
In addition, we have set 2030 targets for each of the five domains.
We will also contribute to achieving the SDGs through group-wide initiatives
to solve social issues.
Safety and Security
Providing safe living environments
Opportunities for our Group |
Growing need for facilities/equipment resilient against disasters and infrastructure outages
Growing demand for high-quality services in Japan and abroad
Risks to our Group |
Difficulties in continuing operations due to disaster or infrastructure outage |
Related SDGs |
Providing hygienic/healthy living environments
Opportunities for our Group |
Growing need for hygienic/healthy living environments |
Risks to our Group |
Decline in corporate image if infectious
disease impact is not prevented
Growing health risks accompanying
increased employment of elderly personnel |
Related SDGs |
Vision (KGI) |
Contribute to improving people's quality
of life by providing services that ensure
a safe, secure, hygienic, and healthy
environment in and around facilities.
Provide a facility environment that
protects lives by fully preparing for
disasters such as windstorms, floods,
and major earthquakes, and quickly
respond when such disasters occur. |
2030 Targets |
Expand provision of safe and secure services
- 20% of sales from BCP and
infection control-related services*1
FY2021 Results |
FY2022 Results |
*1 BCP services include disaster prevention and countermeasure construction, provision of remote monitoring systems, infection control measures, infection control cleaning (New Standard Cleaning), sales of related materials, and construction work related to droplet and contact infection control measures.
Labor Shortage
Resolving labor shortages
Opportunities for our Group |
Promote recruitment of diverse personnel
Growing need for improved productivity and operational
efficiency |
Risks to our Group |
Risk of contract non-fulfillment and lost opportunities due to lack of personnel |
Related SDGs |
Improving productivity through efficient allocation of talent
Opportunities for our Group |
Expand AEON delight Economic Zone by strengthening
Group management and relationship with
partner companies |
Risks to our Group |
Risk of decline in service quality due to
insufficient personnel training |
Related SDGs |
Promoting diversity and inclusion
Opportunities for our Group |
Improve quality and productivity by securing
diverse personnel
Expanding need for services as women enter the
workforce |
Risks to our Group |
Risk of contract non-fulfillment and lost
opportunities due to lack of personnel
Decline in corporate power due to inadequate
communication skills and multicultural
understanding |
Related SDGs |
Promoting multi-stakeholder engagement
Opportunities for our Group |
Develop new services by strengthening relationships
with local communities, partner companies,
and relevant government agencies |
Risks to our Group |
Risk of non-compliance, including affiliates
and partner companies
Risk of not gaining trust/understanding
when expanding overseas due to inadequate
handling of target country risks
(changes in political, economic, and social
environments) |
Related SDGs |
Appropriate labor management
Opportunities for our Group |
Improve productivity and job satisfaction by reducing
employee morbidity and providing comfortable
work environments |
Risks to our Group |
Risk of difficulties in securing personnel
due to inadequate enforcement of proper
labor management
Employee accident and mental health risks
during work |
Related SDGs |
Vision (KGI) |
Offer employees a work environment
that improves job satisfaction and
makes it easier for them to work by
creating a vibrant organizational culture
that enables a diverse workforce to
fully demonstrate their abilities.
Establish strong partnerships by building
mutual trust with business partners
and striving to ensure legal compliance,
fair trade, thorough compliance, and
respect for human rights throughout the
supply chain.
Contribute to resolving labor shortages
in society by providing facility management
and peripheral services that
enable customers to streamline operations
and reduce manpower. |
2030 Targets |
Improve business continuity by resolving labor shortages
- 30% female managers on a consolidated basis
- 50% reduction in consolidated
annual employee turnover rate
(regular employees, contract
employees, and temporary
employees) compared to FY2021
- 50% reduction in consolidated
annual overtime per person
compared to FY2021
- 30% reduction in number of
consolidated annual work-related
accidents*2 compared to FY202
FY2021 Results |
- 22.1%
- 23.7%
- 268 hours
- 139 accidents
FY2022 Results |
- 22.4%
- 21.3%
- 230.3 hours
- 72 accidents
*2 Work-related accidents resulting in four or more days of absence from work
Climate change and global warming countermeasures
Opportunities for our Group |
Growing need for energy-saving and renewable
energy use |
Risks to our Group |
Increased cost burden due to environmental
measures and soaring energy prices |
Related SDGs |
Nature conservation and environmental impact reduction
Opportunities for our Group |
Growing need for environmentally friendly products
and services |
Risks to our Group |
Decline in corporate image and brand
power due to water pollution, increased
plastic waste, etc.
Stricter laws and regulations related to
waste, etc. |
Related SDGs |
Vision (KGI) |
Promote resource recycling, preserve
biodiversity, and create a decarbonized
society by providing solutions that meet
society's expectations
Promote initiatives to reduce environmental
impact by procuring and operating
responsibly and working with
stakeholders in the supply chain. |
2030 Targets |
Expand environmentally-friendly business
- 10% of sales from GHG emission
reduction related services*3
- Zero gasoline and diesel vehicles,
including hybrid vehicles, for
business (consolidated)
- 50% of sales in the materials business
from environmentally friendly products
- 50% recycling rate (bottle-to-bottle)
in vending machine business
FY2021 Results |
- 2.5%
- Of 822 total vehicles,
591 gasoline/diesel vehicles,
230 hybrid vehicles,
1 electric vehicle
- 14.9%
- 15%
FY2022 Results |
- 3.7%
- Of 752 total vehicles,
467 gasoline/diesel vehicles,
284 hybrid vehicles,
1 electric vehicle
- 18.0%
- 7.6%
*3 Includes installation of energy management systems, freon management, installation of EV chargers, installation of energy-saving equipment (lighting, air conditioning, refrigeration cases),
installation of water-based floor coding agents, etc.
Use of Technology
Use of Technology
Opportunities for our Group |
Raise productivity, improve operational efficiency,
and develop new services through digital transformation
driven by IoT, sensors, AI, etc. |
Risks to our Group |
Decline in service quality and market share
due to lagging digital transformation
Risk of information leaks |
Related SDGs |
Addressing information society risks
Opportunities for our Group |
Growing need to strengthen facility information
security |
Risks to our Group |
Risk of cyber-attacks leading to operational
shutdown or information leak |
Related SDGs |
Vision (KGI) |
Deliver benefits and new value by
incorporating DX to improve productivity
and streamline operations in our
customers' and our own supply chain. |
2030 Targets |
Leverage the latest technology to research and develop new services
- Enable unmanned management through robotization of facilities
- Reduce facility lifecycle costs by using FM big data and AI to diagnose buildings
- Develop solutions business leveraging our unique FM data
Corporate Governance
Strengthening Group governance
Opportunities for our Group |
Curtail costs with prompt problem detection/resolution
through strengthened governance |
Risks to our Group |
Adverse effect on corporate activities and
damage to social reputation due to inadequate
governance systems
Risk of harm to business performance due
to inability to handle target country risks
when expanding overseas (changes in
political, economic, and social environments) |
Related SDGs |
Vision (KGI) |
Earn the trust of society and enhance
enterprise value by complying with
various laws and regulations and by
building a strong corporate governance
system within AEON delight and the
AEON delight Group. |
2030 Targets |
Establish robust Group governance system in Japan and abroad
- Establish a ‘three lines of defense’ structure
- Corporate Culture Committee and Group Governance Enhancement Promotion
Committee continue to operate